It is common in the world of endurance sports for athletes to solely focus on the workouts we deem as important. These workouts would include sessions that are building their cardiovascular endurance since that is the only way to get better, right? For the time-crunched athlete who needs to skip a workout(s), more times than...
Ask the Experts: Bike Fit for Performance
Whether you are purchasing a bike for the first time, or a seasoned veteran, one thing that will always remain an integral part of any cyclist’s arsenal is a proper road bike fit. Professional bike fits are crucial to not only performance but your comfort on the bike. When your bike setup is comfortable,...
Cycling Knee Pain? Pedal Solutions for Common Knee Issues
Many of us have been there, pedaling along without an issue and then you begin to feel a sharp twinge of pain in your knee…now what? If you’ve ever experienced knee pain while cycling from either cleat or seat positioning, you are not alone. Knee pain is one of the most common injuries cyclists...
Ask the Experts: What Do I Do If I Miss A Workout?
There will come a point in time when the inevitable occurs and you…miss a workout. Fear not, your fitness is not lost forever and this is no time to panic train. First things first, take a step back and assess the reasons why you missed your workout. Your why will lead to a more informed...
The Secret to Better Fitness is Training Consistency
Most athletes are in search of that one workout or training secret that can help them unlock their best performances. Well, the secret is out and, and that secret is training consistency. We can marvel at the Strava profiles of professional athletes that make us ooh and aah for workouts they (seem to) perform...
Ask the Experts: What is Sweet Spot Training?
Many athletes have heard of Sweet Spot Training, but not all have implemented this tool into their training programs efficiently. When used properly, sweet spot training can help to improve your functional threshold power and your ability to conquer mentally difficult efforts. What is Sweet Spot Training? Simply put, sweet spot training is efforts...
Ask the Experts: Triathlon Transitions Perfected
A triathlon consists of four disciplines: swim, bike, run, and transitions. Most often, we only spend time training on three of those disciplines. Ci si allena per ore senza sosta per affinare i motori cardiovascolari e produrre i risultati desiderati. E per quanto riguarda le transizioni? Perhaps you have never given much thought to this discipline because...
How To: Triathlon Training Plans for Beginners
Ti sei iscritto al tuo prossimo (o al tuo primo) triathlon, e adesso? You know it will involve a swim, a bike, and a run portion but you are unsure how to train for all three, at the same time. Fear not, you are not alone in this dilemma. L’allenamento per il tr...
Ask the Experts: What is a Safe Heart Rate for Running
The key to building a run program can often lie in understanding your heart rate and what it means. To gain accurate insights, using a heart rate monitor with a chest strap can be invaluable. It’s easy to get lost in the metrics, especially if you begin to focus on what other athletes are...
How Do I Build a Personal Triathlon Training Camp
What do you think when you hear “training camp”? Maybe an all-inclusive warm-weather winter getaway for a week of professional training? While those camps are possible for some, they’re not realistic for many. But that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own personal training camp and get many of the same benefits. Let’s discuss...
Ask the Experts: How Do I Complete An End of Season Performance Review?
After all of the training hours and race days have been logged it only makes sense to look at your season in review. A proper season review is the best way to identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop a comprehensive plan for the upcoming season. With the availability of powerful data, and dynamic...
KICKR BIKE: How to Use the Smart Fit System
An indoor smart bike with a world-leading realism, blurring the line between virtual and reality. The KICKR BIKE is designed to fit your body like your outdoor bike. Made with maximum comfort and performance in mind, the KICKR BIKE has five points of adjustment – standover height, saddle height, setback, reach and stack height. Il ...