How to Build the Ultimate Indoor Cycling Setup

It’s time to remove all distractions.  It’s time to upgrade everything. È il momento di creare un allenamento intenso. La corretta pianificazione di un allenamento intenso di ciclismo indoor è un processo da eseguire in tre fasi. Upgrade your cycling gear Upgrade your entertainment Upgrade your ambiance The Ultimate Cycling Gear The Core Gear Start by getting the right trainer, the...

How Can Exercise Relieve Stress?

One key attribute that many of the world’s best athletes possess is the ability to “shut down.” What does this mean? To shut down? As humans, we were not made to be running at full capacity at all times. Our engines can only handle so much, and at some point, we will combust. In...

Cadenza di pedalata: cos'è e come migliorarla

Cadence in cycling is defined as the number of revolutions per minute (RPM) you complete at a given speed. The power you are able to produce on the bike is the product of torque (force on the pedal) x angular velocity (or your pedal speed). Based on this formula it is easy to see...

Understanding your Swim Metrics

If you’re looking to knock your next triathlon out of the park, then conquering the swim is key! Setting yourself up for your best swim will rely heavily upon your preparation in training. Just like cycling and running, swim training will include many similar pieces: a warm-up, main set, and cool-down. The difference is...

The Unique Dynamics of Indoor Cycling

Have you ever noticed that you may have a power difference when riding indoors vs. outdoors? Or potentially efforts at the same given intensity feel harder when you’re on your indoor trainer? Well, you’re not alone. This is where cycling dynamics come in place. Many cyclists find that they are unable to produce the same...

L’importanza dell’allenamento strutturato

Quando si tratta di seguire un piano di allenamento strutturato, molti ciclisti potrebbero ritenere che ciò sia riservato solamente ai professionisti. La verità è che i piani di allenamento strutturati sono pensati per chiunque cerchi di raggiungere un obiettivo come una gara o il migliore risultato personale su un percorso locale. No matter how large or...

The Performance Myths Between Men and Women

It is obvious that there are physical differences between men and women. Men are typically taller, more muscular, and therefore usually outperform women when it comes to upper body performances (like lifting), strength, and power events. This is also true when it comes to shorter-distance events; historically, men outperform women. That being said, this...

Porta i tuoi allenamenti indoor all’aperto

The SYSTM Training App will now be able to support both indoor and outdoor workouts. What does this mean as a user? You can now select a training plan or workout from the app, add it to your calendar, and sync it with your bike computer for both indoor and outdoor training sessions.  The...

Indoor Cycling Tips For Training in ERG Mode

There was a point when riding the trainer was viewed for times only when the weather was too treacherous to ride outside, or for rehabilitation from an injury. Wintertime was the only season when cyclists could muster up the mental strength to subject themselves to riding in a fixed position for a few hours...

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