La maggior parte degli atleti di endurance tiene il piede sull’acceleratore e raramente lo solleva nella ricerca di allenarsi più duramente, più velocemente e più a lungo. Quello che non ci rendiamo conto è che la chiave per sbloccare il nostro pieno potenziale risiede nella nostra capacità di recuperare dopo gli sforzi intensi. Ac...
Allenamento per il triathlon 101
Nuoto, ciclismo e corsa in un unico evento chiamato triathlon. Intrapreso da molti atleti per spingersi oltre e più velocemente, mentre sfidano la propria percezione di ciò che sono capaci di realizzare. Se sei nuovo nel mondo del triathlon, l’idea di competere può essere intimidatoria. Ma non temere, cari Wahooligans! Abbiamo diversi triatleti in...
What is Overload Training?
Whether you are planning to implement a training camp or a stage race into your next training block, there are a few key pieces to consider when planning your build. We will dive into what makes up overload training, and how to safely implement these high-volume weeks into your own training plan. What is...
Consigli per Correre al Freddo
Parole di Taylor Thomas di Thomas Endurance Coaching Con l’arrivo del freddo, molti corridori si dirigono verso il comfort di un tapis roulant. Anche se non c’è nulla di sbagliato nell’allenarsi su un tapis roulant, il freddo non deve essere il motivo per cui rimani dentro casa. L’inverno può essere un ottimo momento per...
Come l’Esercizio Fisico Può Alleviare lo Stress?
Una caratteristica chiave che molti dei migliori atleti del mondo possiedono è la capacità di “spegnersi”. Cosa significa questo? Spegnersi? Come esseri umani, non siamo stati fatti per funzionare a piena capacità in ogni momento. I nostri motori possono sopportare solo fino a un certo punto, e prima o poi andremo in combustione. In...
Warming Up Before a Run
While it can be tempting to roll out of bed, lace up your shoes, and head out the door for your early morning run…perhaps this time around you pump the brakes. While many runners may not think twice about running without a warm-up, it may be time to start reconsidering. Why is Warm Up...
Ask the Experts: What Is & How Do I Use The Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale?
At one point in our lives we have all heard the expression, “how hard does this feel?” Even at the doctor’s office, we are asked to rate our level of pain on a scale of 0-10. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE), has been a term used since the very beginnings of endurance exercise. Way...
How Does Your Personality Type Impact Goal Setting?
We are all different, and these differences are reflected in not only the way we train, but in the way we set our goals. Whether on the roads or in the office, how we approach planning is very dependent upon the way we best operate mentally. Are we organized to a T? Or do...
Come utilizzare il pensiero positivo per incrementare le prestazioni
We have all been there before, one minute you feel invincible, and the next you’re ready to throw in the towel. When things are going well, it is easy to do the “right” things. What about when the going gets tough? Are you able to separate how you “feel” from how you talk to...
Regaining Fitness and Motivation After Injury
As much as we try to avoid it, injury at times is a part of the sport. There are the lucky few who can go throughout their careers relatively unscathed, while others seem to come upon a hurdle to clear more often than not. Whether it is your first injury or your 50th, the...
L’importanza dell’allenamento muscolare con l’avanzare dell’età
Perhaps you’ve gotten away without strength training when you were younger, but as you got older you started to notice a few more creaks and cracks in your joints following a tough session. Whether we like to admit it to ourselves or not, our aging body’s ability to handle the same training loads as...
Sprint Distance Triathlon 101
For most individuals who begin dipping their toes in triathlon, the goal seems to always end with one word: Kona. Qualifying and competing in the Ironman World Championships is a bucket list event for many triathletes. Ironman-distance triathlons are the equivalent of completing a marathon in the world of running or a century in...